This is a person that believes the literal words of the story of Genesis. They believe that God (Abrahamic usually) created everything. In the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) God created everything in six days and took the seventh for rest. Thy also believe he created the trees and animals and then Adam and Eve at the same time if you follow Genesis 1 however if you follow Genesis 2 then he created Adam first then the trees and animals and then Eve was created sometime later. Hmmm...which to believe? Neither. Then after the talking snake an apple and banishment Adam and Eve had two sons named Cain and Abel. Cain kills Abel and is banished from the Lord. He now settles in the town Nod, finds a wife and gets married. Where did she come from? Was she created as well? Was she his sister? Neither answer is good for this story.
Anyway after many years (remember somehow humans lived for hundreds and hundreds of years back then, 4-5k years ago). God has gotten irritated with humans. He then decided to kill literally every human in the world by drowning them. However he decided to keep one family alive. A family led by a man named Noah. Noah had three sons who had a wife each. God tells Noah to build a boat and take two of every animal on Earth onto the boat because he was gonna get rid of the wicked by drowning everyone. After this all the animals returned to where they came from and Noah and his family re-populated the Earth. Now that being said their are some that go a little deeper in the spectrum of ignorance. These people believe the Earth is 6-10k years old. They base this by adding the ages of people in the bible from Nebuchadnezzar back to Adam. Now out of the 48% of people that believe the literal interpretation of the bibles creation myth only 18% believe the Earth is that young.
There are numerous flood myths in human history. The Epic of Atrahasis is the oldest known myth.
Atrahasis was a Sumerian King of Shuruppak before the flood. The first tablet of the epic is a creation story, explaining the origin of human kind. The goddess Mami creates humanity out of clay to do the work that lesser gods refuse to do. Tablet two deals with overpopulation, as Enlil uses alternating periods of drought and famine to reduce the population and keep it under control. Enlil eventually decided to destroy humanity with a flood. Tablet three has the account of the flood which was likely adapted for The Epic of Gilgamesh. In it, Enki, the god of water, warns Atrahasis of the impending flood. Enki tells Atrahasis that he must tear down his home and build a boat. One that is of multiple decks and of a great size. When the boat is complete he boards the boat with his family and animals. The storm begins a floods for seven days. At the end Atrahasis sacrifices a goat to the gods. Now, this story is roughly about 1100 years older than the Genesis story. How many times does God need to flood the Earth to get rid of everyone? How come Noah didn't know about these other flood myths? I'll tell you why.
The author/authors of Genesis merely plagiarized from The Epic of Atrahasis or The Epic of Gilgamesh or a combination of the two. There are flood myths from every section of the world. They mostly all have deities and are a story of some kind of divine retribution. Now how do we know what really happened in these myths? Evidence of actual floods in these regions found by Archaeologists and Geologists. The geologic record shows them these floods that actually happened. However there is no evidence of a global flood.
So, let's get down to breaking down why scientifically and logically why this story didn't happen. First we start with Noah being 600 years old. We as biological creatures simply do not live that long. The average life expectancy 4,800 years ago was 26 years old. Not 750. Today with our modern medicine it has tripled to 78 years old. No where near the claimed 600 years that Noah was when he was tasked to build such a creation.
Secondly let's look at building a ship like this. The Ark was claimed to be 450 ft foot long, 75 ft wide and 45 ft high. That would require about 400 trees. The Genesis story was written in Israel. The picture below. How many trees do you see? I don't see any. Not one at all. Definitely not the 400+ Noah would have needed.
Now another issue with Noah building the Ark was that the only people he had for help was his three sons and their wives. None have any boat building experience, yet they are able to do what modern ship builders couldn't. Creationists have said that Noah had about 98 years to build this Ark. Seeing how he was already 500 years old what's another 98?
Next let's discuss the issue of the animals. The story tells us that two of each animal traveled to the Ark by foot. There are about 7.75 million different species of animal on Earth. This isn't counting the dinosaurs that Ken Hams creationist church (its called a museum, but it's not a museum) claims were also on the Ark. So, they are claiming that they fit 15.5 million animals in a 33,750 sq ft boat. That would mean the animals had 0.0021 ft of livable space or 459 animals per sq ft. I don't see how that's possible but hey what do I know? Now let's look at food consumption. Let's just say you needed an average of 1000 lbs of food for each animal that would be seven billion seven hundred and fifty million lbs of food alone. This isn't including water.
Now one of the largest wooden ships ever built was the Wyoming. Built in the early 1900s it had a load carrying capacity of about 6,000,000 lbs. Just six million lbs. How could the Ark built by eight people with zero ship building experience achieve a payload capacity 1300 times more than the Wyoming? Again this isn't counting the weight of the water needed and all the animals. Another issue is the bible says that all the mountains would be underwater by a depth of 22 ft. Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain on Earth with a height of 29,029 ft above elevation. Adding 22 ft to that gives us 29,051. At this height the oxygen is at 33% of what it is at sea level. Noah and all the animals would have either frozen or suffocated to death. It just isn't possible.
The final part of this that I want you to realize is how this explains how we got here. If God killed everyone on Earth besides four men and four women then they believe that we are all descended from them. I hope you know how reproduction works. This means that Ken Ham and other creationists want us to believe that we are all products of incest. How do they explain all the different races of people if we are the descendants of eight Israelis? We would all be the same skin color. The genetic variation would be too small. Evolution by natural selection answers all these questions. We have the answer already! The religious just refuse to understand this fact because it goes against what their single book says.
To understand evolution you must also humble yourself. The bible says that we have dominion over the other animals on Earth. Evolution teaches us the exact opposite, it teaches us that we are merely another life form on a planet with millions of others. We are no more important to this planet than a tiny floating plankton. To me this is way more gratifying than being some kind of ruler over animals. The chemicals that make me up are the same that make up the entire universe. I am not just a part of the universe it's also a part of me. This is way more grand than having a tyrannical supernatural dictator that controls every move I make. The problem with teaching our youth that this bullshit is real is that they become ignorant to the way the universe works. They are not taught truth. The reason I am able to type this on a computer online is thanks to scientists.
Jim Jeffries said it best (paraphrased) "The Earth is like a train track and humans are the train. In the front engine room running the show are the scientists. The scientists are primarily atheists, in the second cart you have the wishy washy agnostics and then in the last cart are everyone else, the men with beards because they think they have to and hats on for no reason, women that are covered up and cowering and everyone is shouting man on a cloud, man on a cloud. This cart has so many cunts in it that we are hardly fucking moving! In the front cart the atheists and scientists are looking at this and saying, if we just pull this one peg, could you imagine how fucking fast we'd be moving!"
Please feel free to listen to the very video that made me question my religion. It is posted below.
Thanks again for reading and please feel free to post comments or questions below.
P.S. Ken Ham needed 100 million dollars, cranes, tyvex, steel, and numerous trucks and employees and guess what, it doesn't even fucking float!!!
Great job, Tommy! That last P.S. alone kills me.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm so glad you included Ken Ham's "explanation" of how the animals all floated back to their home continents...
Thanks David! I thought you may like that last snide remark haha
DeleteThanks David! I thought you may like that last snide remark haha
DeleteThe last video link doesn't work. I'd like to watch it. can you direct me to an active link or title or description ?
ReplyDeleteYes type in youtube Joe Rogan Noahs Ark
DeleteThis is a good one, too.